Best Coding Practices in Java
Use descriptive and meaning full names variable, methods, and classes. Good Example: public class Car { private String model; private int year; public Car (String model, int year) { this .model = model; this .year = year; } public void startEngine () { System.out.println( "Starting " + model + " engine" ); } } Bad Example: public class C { private String a; private int b; public C (String a, int b) { this .a = a; this .b = b; } public void s () { System.out.println( "Starting " + a + " engine" ); } } 2. Follow the Single responsibility principle (SRP) and keep methods and classes focused on a single task. Good Example: public class Calculator { public static int add ( int a, int b) { return a + b; } public static int subtract ( int a, int b) { return a - b; } } Bad Example: pu...